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 The totally english topic !!!

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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyDim 24 Sep à 23:12

Yeah so, guys, I have to tell you that we have in our clan some english or schleu peoples (lol même en anglais schleu ca se dit schleu)... for exemple, Warcouch is a very good player and he is english.

But the fact is that those sympathics peoples (yes even the "tdod schleux" are sympathics because they are in tdod of course !) can't come to the forum because we all speak french all the time !!!! SO !! I have decided (pas sur ke ca se di ca) that that was important to make a topic werewe all have to speak ONLY ENGLICH (american is allowed too rendeer )

I'm Sure there will not be a problem for peoples like iza who speak all the time a frenchisenglish (yeah friends Wink a ne pas prononcer friandises bande de noobs :p) but maybe for guys like guyguys (play of word Wink ) maybe it will be...

A thing is sure : the chief ama won't understand enything in this topic so you so you can enjoy : flood is allowed, you can blame her etc...

I hope it will be a funny topic, I hope you will play the game (speak only english.. or american) and I will try to bring all the "not french tdod's guys" in this topic because they are very friendly (and not friends damned noob Wink )
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyLun 25 Sep à 20:32

fuck you doxy =D

it's english no ? so i can say it !!

faget Razz

(faget is the english for "tarlouze" )
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyLun 25 Sep à 23:09

Oh my god !! What are the young people learning at school nowdays ??? only fuck and faget ??? affraid

you need a real lesson tiger : idiot, motherfucker, burden ("boulet"), stupid little shit, little brain (ptite cervelle), ass-striked (ca peut se comprendre sans aide je crois..), chicken (poulet ué C aussi une insulte), big apple (ué G un prof ki nous traitais toujours de grosses pommes) The totally english topic !!! 80 .... This vocabulary is more interessant I think...

So now I wanna say : stop "fuck words" because tiger is just a noob he only know 2 words in english and he don't know how to use them... it's quite normal he is in primary section.. :p so know I've broken you let's continue with real messages Wink


(good image for france tiger Evil or Very Mad )

(j'aime l'anglais The totally english topic !!! 36_1_11 défoulatoire comme langue)
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Nombre de messages : 401
Age : 38
Localisation : Geneve (Suisse)
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2006

The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyMar 26 Sep à 14:57


My tell is Ritsh The totally english topic !!! 36_1_55
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyMar 26 Sep à 21:41

David is in the kitchen bounce

erm, with fuck you can say a lot of things: fuck; fucked up, fucking... ^^
i know the other one word but i prefer fuck Smile

but don't think i suxx in english What a Face
i'm in european section, so i need to have a good lvl in english Very Happy
and this year i will have a polish penfriend, and then i will go in poland for meet him cheers

that will be so funny i think ^^
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyMar 26 Sep à 23:33

héhé no so bad... Me, I'll surely go to canada for study in archi, a friend did go there it's very funny (big farms, big lakes, big cars, and for me bow hunt (chasse à l'arc)... The foot !!! (ca sa doit pas se dire mai ca me fait tripper de le mettre :p)

And it's "BRIAN is in the kitchen"... and Jenny is in the batshtfsthroom " :p
Gad Elmaleh powa !!!!
oh and for the word "fuck" do you know the song of "monthypython" : "the many use of the word fuck"... It's terrible !! if you just know bases in english you can all anderstand and it's totally a crazy thing (dur de mieu traduire C un truc de fou ^^) you can listen it a this link

for the written side it's that :

Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today, is the word fuck. Of all the English words beginning with f, fuck is the single one referred to as the "f-word". It's the one magical word. Just by it's sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. Fuck, as most of the other words in English, has arrived from Germany. Fuck from German's "fliechen" which mean to strike. In English, fuck folds into many grammatical categories. As a transital verb for instance, "John fucked Shirley". As an intransitive verb; "Shirley fucks". It's meaning is not always sexual, it can be used as an adjective such as; John's doing all the fucking work. As part of an adverb; "Shirley talks too fucking much", as an adverb enhancing an adjective; Shirley is fucking beautiful. As a noun; "I don't give a fuck". As part of a word: "abso-fucking-lutely" or "in-fucking-credible". Or as almost every word in a sentence: "fuck the fucking fuckers!". As you must realize, there aren't many words with the versitility such as the word fuck,as in these examples used as the following words;
- fraud: "I got fucked"
- trouble: "I guess I'm really fucked now"
- dismay: "Oh, fuck it!"
- aggresion: "don't fuck with me, buddy!"
- difficulty: "I don't understand this fucking question"
- inquery: "who the fuck was that?"
- dissatisfaction: "I don't like what the fuck is going on here"
- incompetence: "he's a fuck-off!"
- dismissal: "why don't you go outside and fuck yourself?"

I'm sure you can think of many more examples.
With all these multipurpoused applications, how can anyone be offended when you use the word?
Use this unique, flexibel word more often in your daily speech. It will identify the quality of your character immediately. Say it loudly and proudly:

I love Very Happy
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyMer 27 Sep à 16:47

yes, Brian, sorry, i don't remember the name ^^

and stop say fuck, or the next time i see you i give you a one-way ticket for The Void, ok bitch ?
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyMer 27 Sep à 19:59

I love U 2 tigrou !

so ok let's stop those fucking words (but I continue to enjoy the monthypython lesson Very Happy)
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Nombre de messages : 292
Age : 38
Localisation : Bruxelle
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006

The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyVen 29 Sep à 19:02

Je veux bien que l'on crée un tropic anglais, mais anvant de parler en anglais => apprener a pronnoncer fiends correctement

fuck off Suspect
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptyVen 29 Sep à 19:07


aller tous en coeur : F I ' N D Z !!!
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Nombre de messages : 401
Age : 38
Localisation : Geneve (Suisse)
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2006

The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! EmptySam 30 Sep à 1:18

sorry but i dont speak english (and the traductor internet is undisponible...)
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The totally english topic !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The totally english topic !!!   The totally english topic !!! Empty

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The totally english topic !!!
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